Appearances from the First Edition (2013-15)
April 11, 2013
Detroit, Michigan
PPS Placemaking Leadership Council
April 15, 2013
Chicago, Illinois
American Planning Association National Conference
May 7, 2013
Seattle, Washington
Urban Land Institute/Island Press Book Launch
May 15, 2013
Bellevue, Washington
American Planning Association PSS Planning Law Conference
May 21, 2013
Seattle, Washington
Great City Brown Bag Lunch
June 5, 2013
Seattle, Washington
Downtown Seattle Association Smart Growth Committee
June 19, 2013, 6:00 PM
Seattle, Washington
Town Hall Seattle Presentation
July 26, 2013
Vancouver, British Columbia
Urban Land Institute Young Leaders’ Group 2013 Cascadia Regional Conference
October 8, 2013
Seattle, Washington
Urban Land Institute/Northwest District Council
Young Leaders’ Group Leadership Forum with Chuck Wolfe
October 17, 2013
Manchester, New Hampshire
Keynote Address, “Navigating Housing’s Future” (New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority Annual Economic and Housing Market Update)
March 25, 2014
Seattle, Washington
Presentation, “The Dynamic Potential of Urbanism Without Effort”
Commercial Brokers Association 2014 Annual Forum
April 3. 2014
Seattle, Washington
Keynote Address, 2014 Walkable Washington Symposium
April 8, 2014
Seattle, Washington
Moderator/Presenter, Seattle Architecture Foundation Design in Depth/Urban Character Lecture Series
April 18, 2014
Eugene, Oregon
Panelist, “Panel Discussion: “Current Trends and Legal Challenges in Sustainable Real Estate Development”
University of Oregon School of Law Green Business Initiative Symposium
May 7, 2014
Wenatchee, Washington
Keynote Address, RevitalizeWA 2014 (Washington Trust for Historic Preservation/Washington Main Street Program Annual Conference)
May 8, 2014
Seattle, Washington
Presentation, “Role of Design, Rules and Observation”
Leadership Tomorrow Neighborhoods & Communities Challenge Day
June 7, 2014
Buffalo, New York
Debate with Mike Lydon, “Urbanism Without Effort v. Tactical Urbanism”
22nd Annual Congress for the New Urbanism, NextGen11 Program
September 13, 2014
Seattle, Washington and Nice, France
Framing Overview/Presentation from Nice, France on “Public Space in Motion” Panel
2104 Seattle Design Festival
September 18, 2014
Seattle, Washington
Keynote Conversation and Video, Closer to Home Breakfast, Bellwether Housing
September 23, 2014
Kent, Washington
Keynote Presentation, King County GreenTools Sustainable Cities Monthly Program, Historic Preservation Panel
October 27-31, 2014
Glasgow, Scotland
Keynote Presentation, “Returning to the First Principles of Urbanism” and Round Table Discussions, Summit on Plot-Based Urbanism, University of Strathclyde
Workshop with Students, Urbanism Without Effort: Urban Diaries and Decoding Places, University of Strathclyde
Book Talk on Urbanism Without Effort, University of Glasgow Urban Studies Seminar Series
May 7-9, 2015
Union, Washington
Speaker, “Urbanism Without Effort and Land Use Law”, Washington State Bar Association Environmental and Land Use Midyear Seminar